Sunday, July 18, 2010

Creative Blocks

As artists, it seems we are always playing tag with blockages. I managed to evade it for a few months but currently I was tagged and now I'm it. This happens to me every once in a while and usually my fix is to focus on other things pertaining to my art like learning about the business side, or learning more about my equipment. Unfortunately those are not helping me right now. This is like the weirdest block ever because I can go through my library, find something sick or develop some sick idea but when it comes time for me to sit down and put it together, nothing seems right :(. I do have some large weight on my shoulders though because I have been window shopping for new gear and I know that is really affecting my mindset in using what I have. I'm trying to get proactive and shake it off today though. I have a moderately free day so I am going to force myself to make something. We'll see how it goes, but I do want to know to, what do you guys out there do to break the block? Maybe some suggestions might help me now or in the future.

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